Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Week Ahead - 2/11/13 - 2/17/13

Hey everyone!

So I've re-titled these weekly update posts to be "The Week Ahead". Seems to make more sense since it's all about the upcoming week. Here's what's coming:

Climbing The Ladder #44 w/ guest Shaun "dApollo" Clark - Tuesday 4pm EST / 10pm CET. We'll be discussing a little bit of news and a lot about his ascension as a caster, experience with GD studios/Agency, and much more SC2. Have your questions ready!

Wednesday Night Sprites #8 - Dinner and Gaming Star Battle Spotlight - Wednesday 10:30pm EST. We'll be doing something fun for Valentines day which we've called "Dinner and Gaming". We'll start off the show dining with you guys and then go into another thorough walkthrough of the very popular Starcraft 2 game Star Battle. Hopefully we will also have on creator "OldEnt" as our guest to answer any of our questions and guide us through. Be sure to join our "wining and dining" and play a game or 2 with us!

Also a quick update on Pro Corner for those asking, I am making a few changes to the show some minor and some possibly major but I promise we will get everything going very soon.

If you haven't already be sure to follow/subscribe all the channels to stay up to date on everything.

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Talk you guys on the show and in chat this week!

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